The Learning Center
The learning services team manages The Learning Center, SAGE tutoring program and The Writing Center. They collaborate with students, faculty, administrators, families and any outside parties to ensure that all students have the strategies necessary to understand themselves and their learning. Learning services faculty are located on the top floor of the Manchester Library and Learning Center.
The learning services team celebrates and supports the spectrum of neurodiversity at Bishop’s. Students with and without diagnosed learning differences benefit from working with peer tutors, faculty or any members of the learning services team to better understand the skills and strategies that will help them to be independent thinkers, learners and self-advocates. The resources provided by the learning services team are available to students in all grades and are included in Bishop’s tuition.
Make an Appointment
Bishop’s faculty members collaborate with learning services to ensure a wide variety of resources are available on campus. If a family chooses to work with a third party tutor, evaluator, and/or consultant, they are asked to let our director of teaching & learning know so she can facilitate and serve as a liaison between Bishop’s and the third party.