Head Ambassadors
We invite you to meet our 2024-2025 Head Ambassadors! Head Ambassadors are selected tenth- through twelfth-graders who lead campus tours and assist with Bishop's Admissions events. They are happy to answer questions about what life is like as a Bishop's student and look forward to meeting you on campus!
Class of 2025
Class of 2025
Water Polo, basketball, swimming, lucky ducklings
Favorite Lunch
Korean Beef Bowls
Favorite Class
I loved English with Mr. Davis because I could be creative.
Favorite Bishop's Tradition
Students vs. Faculty Basketball Game during Spirit Week!
Class of 2025
SAGE tutoring, period poverty project, lucky ducklings
Favorite Lunch
Teriyaki Chicken
Advice for a Student Applying to Bishop's
On tours, or in any interactions with faculty or students, don't be afraid to ask any questions that come to mind to give you the best understanding of Bishop's!
Why I Chose to Attend Bishop's
It provides a unique environment where students are challenged academically, but also provided with incredible resources and support to be their very best!
Class of 2025
football, tennis, cyberpatriot, sage tutoring, asbc - JR. Class president
Favorite Lunch
Korean Beef Bowls
Favorite Class
I really enjoyed Honors US History with Dr. Keup because I was able to vastly improve my essay-writing skills, as well as analyzing historical evidence in context.
What I Love Most About Bishop's
The community. Everyone here is so accepting and welcoming. There’s something for everyone, and everyone is excited about something.
Class of 2025
Football, basketball, lacrosse, peer support, Kindness Crew, asbc
Favorite Lunch
Greek Food
Favorite Teacher
Dr. Reynolds because she cares about you as a person. She inspired my love for chemistry and pushed me to improve my grade in the second semester.
Advice for a Bishop's Applicant
The process can be stressful, but try to relax and do your best. You will end up where you are meant to be.
Class of 2025
Kindness Crew, Acting workshop, Bishop's Singers, soccer
Favorite Lunch
Poke Bowls
Favorite Class
Math 4 with Mr. Clark because the class was so much fun. Even though I would not put math as my favorite subject, this class had such a strong sense of community while also helping me learn so much.
Favorite Bishop's Tradition
Changing of the Guard, when the seniors pass down the roles as campus leaders to the juniors. It is always so wholesome and a great way to celebrate the seniors' time spent at our community.
Class of 2025
Tennis, CSI, Chapel Council, all girls stem society, Artificial intelligence & machine Learning club
Favorite Lunch
Ravioli and Garlic Bread
Favorite Teacher
Señora Uhland, my advisor, because she is one of the kindest and most positive people I know!
What I Love Most About Bishop's
The supportive and inclusive students and teachers, and obviously the food!
Class of 2025
Kindness Crew, volleyball, acting workshop
Favorite Lunch
Chicken Parm
Favorite Class
Intro to Biblical Literature with Dr. Ballard because she is super kind and open. It felt like we could ask any question and she would answer it honestly and without and judgment.
What I Love Most About Bishop's
The opportunities we have. I am able to play varsity volleyball, act and be in performing arts, and can be part of organizations and clubs that I find interesting.
Class of 2025
Football, baseball, chapel council
Favorite Lunch
Nacho Bar
Favorite Teacher
My favorite teachers are Ms. Uhland (Spanish) and Ms. Smith (History). They make class fun and informal, while doing a great job of teaching and supporting their students on a personal level.
Why I Chose to Attend Bishop's
I chose Bishop's not only because of its great academics, but also its welcoming nature. When I first got to Bishop’s, it really felt like home.
Class of 2025
Performing Dance Group, acting workshop, sage tutoring, writing center tutor
Favorite Lunch
Teriyaki Chicken with Rice and Pineapple
Advice for a Bishop's Applicant
Be the most authentic version of yourself. Bishop’s is such a welcoming environment and I truly believe there is room for everyone here. The qualities each student has is what makes our community so unique and diverse, so hold on to what makes you special as you are applying!
What I Love Most About Bishop's
I love the community, especially between the teachers and students. Everyone knows each other and is there to help one another, creating a unique sense of community.
Class of 2025
CSI, Peer Counseling, Middle School Math Club Coach, Adopt a grandparent
Favorite Lunch
Favorite Teacher
Mr. Kime because he always teaches in an engaging and easy-to-understand way.
What I Love Most About Bishop's
The amount of choices for electives and art classes.
Class of 2025
The Tower, ASBC, Model Un, Two-Knights Show
Favorite Lunch
Greek Beef
Favorite Class
Honors US History because it was engaging and made me a better writer and speaker, while allowing me to discover a passion for history.
Favorite Bishop's Tradition
My favorite Bishop’s tradition is the Christmas Tree Lighting. The sweet treats and carols make for a very jolly mood!
Class of 2025
Football, Peer Counseling, Hope4Kids
Favorite Lunch
Greek Food
Advice for a Bishop's Applicant
I would tell a prospective student to not stress about trying to be perfect for the admissions team. They want to see the real you, and appreciate that more than a “perfect” image of yourself.
Why I Chose to Attend Bishop's
Aside from the education I get from Bishop’s, I chose to attend the school because of the numerous extracurricular opportunities the school provides, as well as the connections I can make with my peers and teachers.
Class of 2025
Speech & Debate Team President, Robotics team captain, Quanta Magazine, East Asian Student Association, All Girls Stem Society
Favorite Lunch
Nacho Bowl!
Favorite Bishop's Tradition
One of my favorite Bishop's traditions is Blessing of the Animals. It's so adorable (and SUCH a nice break in the day) to see everyone's pets! I’ll always remember my freshman year being so surprised by this tradition after seeing someone bring two ponies onto campus!
What I Love Most About Bishop's
There's something for everyone here - whether it be a sport, academic team, art, or more. You have so much freedom to explore all these interests, whether you try out one, two, or maybe all of them! And along the way, there will always be such a supportive environment of faculty and staff here to help you however they can.
Class of 2025
Science bowl, Robotics, Golf
Favorite Lunch
Beef Bulgogi
Favorite Class
Biology with Dr. Keller. She makes every class fun yet informative!
Favorite Bishop's Tradition
Yearbook signing on the last day of school is my favorite tradition to close out the year.
Class of 2025
Lucky ducklings, kindness crew, field hockey
Favorite Lunch
Pasta bolognese and garlic bread
What I Love Most About Bishop's
What I love about Bishop's is the community. There aren’t many schools where you can walk into the dean of students office and grab a snack and chat about your day. Everyone is super approachable and they all want to see us succeed, both students and faculty.
Why I Chose to Attend Bishop's
I chose to attend Bishop's because I knew that it could challenge me academically and also allow me to grow. It was a place where learning and working hard were really valued, and I knew that I could see myself there.
Class of 2025
SAPI Affinity Space, Peer Support, Varsity Volleyball, Period Poverty Project
Favorite Lunch
Baked Pasta
Advice for a Bishop's Applicant
Be yourself!
Favorite Class
Honors American Literature because our class had amazing discussions and I learned to really love English.
Class of 2026
Class of 2026
Girls' Volleyball, Speech and Debate, kindness Crew
Favorite Lunch
Baked Lasagna
Favorite Class
5E Math with Mrs. Seymour because she supported me through a math environment I had never experienced before — an environment where there was so much more emphasis on group discussion rather than a super strict and solidified curriculum.
Why I Chose to Attend Bishop's
I wanted an academically rigorous school, while maintaining support and love for its students.
Class of 2026
Model UN, Technical Theater, Speech and Debate, DEIJ, FEM Club, student library council
Favorite Lunch
Sweet Potatoes
Favorite Class
Advanced Honors Spanish Class: Modern Mexico with Profe Martell. We explored the literature, history, film and culture that formed Mexico today. The indigenous history, interactive activities and class chemistry made it so unique.
Advice for a Bishop's Applicant
Take a chance on clubs or activities that interest you. When you find your passions, you find your people, and the people make Bishop's the most thrilling and diverse place to be!
Class of 2026
Water Polo, Swim, Class Council, AI Club, Social Innovation, Physics Club, Values committee
Favorite Lunch
Korean Beef
Favorite Class
My favorite class is math because I enjoy applying it to real world situations.
Favorite Bishop's Tradition
The Airband competition between each grade!
Class of 2026
Model UN, Bishop's Singers, Field Hockey, Jewish Student Alliance, Bishop's Chamber Orchestra, SAGE Peer Tutor, Performing Arts Council, Chapel Council
Favorite Lunch
Mediterranean Food
Favorite Teacher
My favorite teacher is Dr. Moseley. He is very intelligent and funny, always cares about students’ opinions, always gives us the opportunity to share our thoughts, and is a great person to talk to.
Advice for a Bishop's Applicant
Be your authentic self; put in time and effort.
Class of 2026
Lacrosse, Squash, Speech and Debate, Kindness Crew, Lucky Ducklings
Favorite Lunch
Chicken Tikka Masala
Advice for a Bishop's Applicant
Show them what you are passionate about and how you explore that passion.
Favorite Class
My favorite class is English because of the lively discussions.
Class of 2026
Equestrian, surf, studio art, ocean conservation club, volleyball, community service initiative
Favorite Lunch
Breakfast for Lunch
Favorite Class
I really enjoy English because I love sharing my perspective and listening to others' interpretations.
Why I Chose to Attend Bishop's
I chose Bishop’s because of the community. It is so special to be in a place where everyone wants to watch you succeed and where they will all help you achieve your goals.
Class of 2026
Tennis, Lacrosse, speech and debate, mock trial, kindness crew
Favorite Lunch
Greek Food
Favorite Class
Math classes have always been my favorite at Bishop's because of the abundance of great teachers.
Why I Chose to Attend Bishop's
I think Bishop's is the perfect mix of academics, athletics and arts.
Class of 2026
Junior Optimist International Club, Softball, Chamber Orchestra, Community Service Initiative, Peer Tutoring, Speech and Debate, Two-Knights Show, All Girls STEM Society
Favorite Lunch
Korean Beef Bowl
Favorite Class
My favorite class was Math 5E with Mrs. Seymour! I enjoyed seeing how my classmates solved different problems because I learned new methods and strategies every class. We also saw how the math we learned could be applied in real life. When we learned about parabolas, we 3D printed models of real-life parabolic objects!
What I Love Most About Bishop's
My favorite thing about Bishop's is that we're always encouraged to ask questions and have open discussions in class. I really enjoy the Harkness learning style, which is where we sit around a circular table and discuss with our classmates. I love hearing everyone's different interpretations of an English novel or the different ways they approached a math problem, because oftentimes, it's something that never crossed my mind!
Class of 2026
field hockey, Community service initiative, black student union, peer support, mock trial
Favorite Lunch
Chicken Strips
Favorite Class
Honors US History with Dr. Keup. Every time I go to the class I learn things that not only help me understand the class, but also our world and government today.
Favorite Bishop's Tradition
I really love our Bish Bowl tradition because it unites our community from kids to faculty and parents in a really fun and awesome way!
Class of 2026
Speech & debate, Chapel Council, field Hockey, Lacrosse
Favorite Lunch
Korean Beef Bowl
Favorite Class
My favorite class is Math 5E because of my teacher, Ms. Chrystal! She is one of the best teachers I have ever had and the way she teaches really helps me learn.
What I Love Most About Bishop's
The close relationship that adults and students have. There is a fantastic connection between students and teachers across the board, and it leaves students far more comfortable to ask questions or simply just engage in conversation with their teachers!
Class of 2026
Lacrosse, Field Hockey, Mock Trial, Lucky Ducklings Club, SAGE Tutoring
Favorite Lunch
Korean Beef Bowls
Favorite Teacher
Ms. Williamson, my ninth grade math teacher, because she is one of the most charismatic people I have ever met. She is supportive, kind, and always there for you whether it’s with math help, or guidance in another aspect of your life.
Favorite Bishop's Tradition
My favorite Bishop's tradition is the Senior Rec Room. Though I am not a senior yet, I fantasize about painting the Senior Rec Room and bonding with my class further in a shared space just for our grade!
Class of 2026
Student Performing Arts Council Leadership, Community Service Initiative, Kindness Crew, Peer Support, Varsity Tennis, Acting Workshop
Favorite Lunch
Greek Beef
Advice for Bishop's Applicants
Pursue your passions in every way possible.
Favorite Bishop's Tradition
Dr. G, my advisor and former history teacher, is so incredibly supportive and nice. He teaches in a super engaging way!
Class of 2026
Boys’ Indoor and Beach Volleyball, Kindness Crew
Favorite Lunch
Greek Beef
Advice for Bishop's Applicants
Don’t stress. The admissions department goes to great lengths to try and make this process as easy as possible, so don’t worry about it too much and be yourself.
Favorite Class
My favorite class was Honors Chemistry because although it was challenging at times, it felt super rewarding when I would get a problem right.
Class of 2027
Class of 2027
Varsity Lacrosse, Varsity Football, Chapel Council
Favorite Lunch
Nacho Bowls
Favorite Class
I enjoyed Physics in ninth grade; all of the projects were exciting and immersive.
Favorite Bishop's Tradition
Bish Bowl, our homecoming football game and parade.
Class of 2027
Varsity Volleyball, Kindness Crew Class Council
Favorite Lunch
Nacho Bowls
Favorite Teacher
My favorite teacher is Ms. Hsiao (Chinese teacher) because she truly pushed us to “learn how to learn.” She tailored the class to our specific learning needs, and was always open to answering questions and providing explanations.
What I Love Most About Bishop's
The open and connected community
Class of 2027
Tenth Grade Class President, Football, Lacrosse, Speech and Debate, Community Service Initiative, Chapel Council
Favorite Lunch
Korean Beef Bowls
Favorite Teacher
My favorite teacher is Mr. Valji because he is not only one of the smartest people I know, but he also can make any subject interesting.
What I Love Most About Bishop's
I love that everyone is included and feels as though they can be themselves.
Class of 2027
Performing Arts Council, Acting Workshop, Bishop's Singers, Speech and Debate, Theater Productions, Students Sharing Music
Favorite Lunch
Baked Pasta
Advice for a Bishop's Applicant
Try everything you can. It’s better to try and decide it’s not for you than not try at all and miss out on the opportunities Bishop's has to offer.
What I Love Most About Bishop's
The community, especially the theater community
Class of 2027
Tennis, Soccer, Track and Field, Catholic Club
Favorite Lunch
Korean Beef Bowl
Advice for a Bishop's Applicant
Don’t be afraid to ask questions about departments or programs you have an interest in, and keep your mind open to trying new things offered at Bishops.
Favorite Bishop's Tradition
Grandparents' Day
Class of 2027
American Red Cross Club President, Kindness Crew, Military Families Affinity Space, Regional Student Diversity Summit Student Leader, Key Club, Community Service Initiative, Basketball, Track and Field
Favorite Lunch
Korean Beef Bowl
What I Love Most About Bishop's
What I love most about Bishop’s is the culture and friendliness of our community. Everyone is super welcoming, engaging and ready to support you and your interests in any way possible.
Why I Chose to Attend Bishop's
I chose to attend Bishop’s because it was the best fit for me as both a student and a person. The academic and athletics life here at Bishop’s perfectly accompanied my goals and gave me the challenges that I hoped for. In addition, I chose Bishop’s because of its Episcopal values and focus on service, which is something that I am very involved in.
Class of 2027
Swim Team, Performing Arts Council, Acting Workshop, Speech and Debate, Values Committee
Favorite Lunch
Grilled Cheese with Tomato Soup
Advice for a Bishop's Applicant
Ask questions! It's good to know how you would feel at Bishop's, and understand aspects of the School which may be unique to Bishops!
Favorite Bishop's Tradition
Blessing of the Animals! There are so many unique pets and other cute animals to see and interact with on the Quad!
Class of 2027
Speech and Debate, Mock Trial, ECS Head Start, Kindness Crew, Field Hockey, Soccer, Lacrosse
Favorite Bishop's Tradition
My favorite Bishop’s tradition is Airband because I love working with my classmates to perform for everyone and I also love watching what every grade comes up with! It’s a friendly competition!
Why I Chose to Attend Bishop's
My family and I chose Bishop’s because it is a school where students strive to be great inside and outside the classroom. Bishop’s has proven to be a place where I know I can challenge myself with the support of my peers and teachers.
Class of 2027
Football, Soccer, Lacrosse, Latinx American Student Organization
Favorite Bishop's Tradition
My favorite Bishop’s tradition is the Battle of Pearl Street football game against La Jolla High School.
Why I Chose to Attend Bishop's
I chose to attend Bishop’s because it felt like home.