Parents' Association
The Bishop's School community is a partnership of school and family, led by our Parents’ Association (PA). PA volunteers plan and organize more than 50 events to engage and support the School community. Parents are encouraged to become involved - whether they can “do a little or do a lot” - there is an opportunity for each person. The PA holds monthly meetings and in addition to the Association’s business, they often feature remarks by the head of school. The meeting agenda also includes guest speakers who offer insights into School programs or speak about topics of interest for parents of adolescents. Parents who participate in PA projects and events experience first-hand programs that enrich their children’s lives and promote their development. By working with others they help to create the special Bishop’s magic.
President: Janice Upton
President Elect: Julie Zures Turner '95
Past President: Wendy Gibbons
Vice President - Communications: Lisa Morera
Vice President - Events: Ravi Shiwmangal
Secretary: Mia Kelly
Treasurer: Shu Fan
Member-At-Large: Bella Pfefferman
Member-At-Large: Allison Vano
Bishop's Family Partnership
Adult community members are invited to monthly education and discussions about the challenges related to parenting and supporting students, including social media, anxiety, identity and more. Dates and details about events are shared in Knights News.
Knights Booster Group
Knights Booster Group (KBG) is a group of parent volunteers who work with the Bishop's Athletics Department to support Bishop's sports teams, student-athletes and coaches, as well as to promote school spirit and build school community around athletic events. Throughout the school year, KBG organizes team parents and spirit events including Bish Bowl, coordinates snack bar coverage and partners with the athletic department to present educational programs on student-athlete health and safety and the college athletics recruiting process.
Follow us on Instagram @knightsboostergroup.
President: Abby Feldman
President-Elect: Kynda Leach
Past President: Jenn Beamer
Vice President - Events: Alexis McCandless
Assistant Vice President - Events: Lisa Herrera
Treasurer/Spirit Wear: Jane Watkins
Vice President - Communications: Whitney Lowe
Assistant Vice President - Communications: Kym Bryant
Vice President - Middle School Sports: Kelley Holderman
Assistant Vice President - Middle School Sports: Amy Stoneham
Vice President - Club Sports: Susan Ladrido
Member at Large: Jennifer McIlvaine Landa
Performing Arts Circle
The Performing Arts Circle (PAC) is an organization of parents "volunteering in the wings" to support and promote Bishop's exceptional performing arts program. Membership in the PAC is open to all Bishop's parents and supporters.
President: Michelle Singh
President Elect: Nita Mehta
Past President: Mimi Brunson
Secretary: Lindsay Gratry '95
Treasurer: Tracy Hoogenberg
Member at Large: Kiyon Chung
Chair Positions
AW/Upper School Drama: Jenn Beamer
Awards: Tracy Hoogenberg, Michelle Singh
Box Office: Kurt Marek
Bishop's Community Events Liaison: Tracey Balsdon
Communications: Katie Alexander
House Managers: Danielle Wiener
Instrumental Music: Ashley Tang, Jamie Gover
Jazz Band: Katie Alexander, Faye Motamedi
Middle School Liaison: Wyomi Yockey
Photography: Emily Bung
Production Parent Advisor: Michelle Singh
Technical Theater: Rebecca Rudy
Upper School Choral Music: Emily Bung, Mimi Brunson
Upper School Dance: Katie Alexander
Ushers: Stephanie O'Brien
Videography Coordinator: Nita Mehta
Bishop's Visual Arts Community
Bishop's Visual Arts Community (BVAC) is a hands-on creative group of parents who support the School's visual arts program. BVAC creates a welcoming, personalized resource for families to engage in visual arts. Innovation and creativity are key to the visual arts and to BVAC.
The governance of BVAC strives for equal opportunities in leadership and engagement. Visual arts faculty works with the community to assemble volunteer opportunities and communicate with BVAC supporters. Throughout the year, there are approximately 10-20 parents who form a team of support; all members of Bishop's community are welcome to participate. The areas of interest include: art installations and receptions; visiting artists; excursions; off-campus events; graphic design; promotion and communication; documentation; PAC liaison; and art supplies management.
Co-Presidents: Michelle Yuan and Wanya Korn
Past Co-Presidents: Ashley Tang, Edita Semiginovska
President-Elect: Ken Zhong
Treasurer: Euna Cho
Secretary: Miriam Sieffert
Communications Committee: Wanya Korn, Xuan Shi
Volunteer Coordinator: Ken Zhong
Exhibition Committee: Dong Cao, Euna Cho
Resource Committee: Shelly Wu
PAC Parent Liaison: Ashley Tang
Photography Committee: Maria Talantova
Gatherings/Socials: Susan Lee, Olga Monico